Kuyili Organization, in collaboration with the Forest Department of Kallakurichi, Tamil Nadu, successfully organized a Bird Walk with Annual Bird Census at Emaper Lake in Kallakurichi District on January 13, 2024. The event took place from 6:45 AM to 7:45 AM and witnessed the enthusiastic participation of more than 30 individuals, including members of the public and department officials.

The event aimed to raise awareness about the importance of bird watching and the vital role birds play in the ecosystem. Participants were guided on how to observe and identify birds using a pocket guide, enhancing their bird-watching skills. The attendees were captivated by the sight of numerous ducks, such as the lesser whistling ducks perched atop palm trees. The event provided a unique opportunity to observe a variety of water birds, including migratory species like the northern pintail.

The bird census conducted during the event recorded a remarkable turnout, with over 200 birds belonging to 60 different species identified. This information contributes valuable data to ongoing efforts in bird conservation and ecological research.

The success of the event not only fostered a deeper appreciation for bird diversity but also highlighted the importance of citizen engagement in environmental conservation. Kuyili Organization, along with the Forest Department, remains committed to promoting environmental awareness and conservation through such impactful initiatives.


Group picture right after explaining with educational chart

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